Suppliers and Tradesmen

We do not make recommendations for tradesmen but we are happy here to give contacts for people who have been used by residents.

Or a handy website is

– not only for finding tradesmen, local facilities and amenities but also to compare quality of work, reliability, pricing, etc. Just type in your post code and the sort of workman you require.

Trade Name Contact
Car Repair
Hungerford Garage (Bernie)
020 8788 4866
Wimbledon Rangers Office, The Windmill (Wimbledon Common)
0208 788 7655
Drains and Sewage
Thames Water
0800 316 9800
Drains and Sewage – Pumping Stations
Thames Water Seaton ID DB 4801 Beaufort ID DB 4802
0800 009 3979
Gas emergency National Grid emergency for gas escapes
0800 111 9999
020 8224 1778
07958 971 339
Electricity emergency EDF Energy Networks centre for reporting power cuts and emergencies
08000 280 247
Gardeners – Leeway Garden and Lawn Care
Lee 079973 136 629
Wayne 07500 051 386
Putney Glass
020 8870 0380
07939 257 473
Hospital (24 hrs)
St George’s Hospital Charing Cross Hospital
020 8672 1255
020 8846 1234
Hospital (Minor Injuries)
Queen Mary’s
020 8487 6000
Locksmith (Local)
Oakley Locksmiths 81 Replingham Road, SW18 5LO
0208 871 1238
Locksmith (emergency)
Putney Locksmiths
0203 468 0418
Mini Cabs
Roehampton cars
020 8780 9000
020 8788 4228
Pest control
Little Critters
07799 060 441
Putney Plumbers
020 8789 5266
Putney Plumbing Company
020 8789 9007
Ramin Raeisi
07983 499 416
Metropolitan Police non-emergency
0300 123 1212
P Fenn
07956 239 110
0208 274 9280
Skips (same day)
Skip It
0207 384 1221
Tree Surgeon
Les West
07774 92 445
Richard Bleckman Roehampton Veterinary Clinic
020 8785 4141 6-8 Roehampton Street SW15 4HU
Waste collection – Large items eg Fridges, chairs
Wandsworth Couincil Household Collections
0208 871 8558
Window cleaner
07956 385 259
Window Replacements
Swift – Daniel Parry
07775 668101