

The estate is very secure with gatehouse staff in attendance during the day, and the auto-closing gates to the development. There is also CCTV installed throughout the estate which is monitored, and records activity 24 hours a day.

Residents are however asked to make sure that they keep their homes, garages, and vehicles, locked when unattended, and alarmed if possible, and to ensure that no valuables are left visible in the estate eg on doorsteps or in cars to make sure temptation for opportunitst thieves is minimised.

Lynden Gate has a long-standing security policy which guides our priorities for investment in security equipment and services, while a Neighbourhood Watch allows every resident to become involved in keeping alert to local incidents and to communicate.

In Wandsworth, watches and the police communicate via the OWL system, with which the Lynden Gate watch is registered.  If you are a resident or owner in Lynden Gate and wish to be included in the watch communication network, please email the Lynden Gate Neighbourhood Watch coordinator, Anu Barua

Recent relevant highlights from the Owl newseltter can be reviewed by clicking the link below:

Owl highlights

If you see a crime in progress it is not recommended that you get involved in any physical confrontation, rather call the police immediately on 999.

If you should be a victim of a crime, please report it to the police on 101.

If you notice any incident at Lynden Gate that concerns you, please email both Anu and John straight away so that the CCTV can be reviewed and neighbours informed.

These links provide advice on crime prevention that is relevant for protecting homes and property:

Protecting against burglary

Protecting your house

Protecting your car

Protecting your bicycle

Reporting crime

There is further advice about the prevention of many other types of crimes, if they happen to be relevant to you, on