Residents are allowed to keep a domestic cat or dog on the estate. If residents wish to keep more than one pet please contact the Board for permission as reqired in the Deed of covenant..
Please note that residents with dogs or cats, or indeed any other animals are requested to ensure that they ensure that their animals do not cause any inconvenience to other residents.
Residents should try to ensure that their animals do not foul the common areas, particularly the lawns or grass areas. In the event that “accidents” happen, the keeper of the animal must clean up after the animal concerned. It is not acceptable to leave the common areas dirty.
In order to prevent unintended distress to other residents, especially the very young or elderly, all dog owners are asked to keep their dogs on leads when on the estate.
Please also ensure that all dogs are accompanied by a responsible person and not allowed/enabled to enter the communal areas without suitable supervision.
Lynden Gate is a development of 70 neo-Georgian styled houses offering a quite unique lifestyle. The estate is divided into two sections – Seaton Close on the right hand side as you enter Lynden Gate, and Beaufort Close on the left.