At the last count there were 145 parking spaces on the roads and forecourts of the estate – roughly two per house and this doesnot include garages. However, almost half of these are in forecourts, usually outside a garage and if garage owners leave the forecourt spaces empty (and unusable by anyone else) while parking in the road the number actually available shrinks dramatically. So our parking rules must encourage the use of all spaces. Parking rules are driven by the covenants to which all houses are bound.
We cannot legally allocate spaces to individual houses and if we use a first come first served approach (ie normal “LondonRules”) the forecourt spaces often remain empty. So we have for many years adopted a Parking Code – a voluntary agreement among neighbours as to how and where we will all park. This code has been reviewed several times most recently in 2009. The papers associated with this last review can be downloaded by clicking on the various buttons below:-
Parking Code of Conduct – the code itself, discussed further below
Parking space map – a map of the estate showing the various parking spaces identified
Parking as at 11 June 2009 – one possible, and reasonable, allocation of spaces to the cars regularly parking on the estate at that date. This will go out of date as houses are sold, new cars are purchased or circumstances otherwise change.
First Report – an initial report from the 2009 survey discussing the over-riding issues
Second Report – a report discussing the principles of the allocation of spaces
Third Report – a report discussing ancillary issues, such as widening of roads or the use of windscreen stickers, that were raised during the survey Parking Survey as of 4th Dec 2009
Parking spaces update 2018 – An updated allocation of spaces
Residents should familiarise themselves with the Parking Code.
Some of its key features are:-
The Board cannot allocate spaces, that is for neighbours to agree. However, the Board can advise on what it considers to be a reasonable arrangement if that helps an agreement to be formed.
Every house should have one space that it can rely on. Second spaces should only be allocated to cars that are regularly parked on the estate. There will usually be around 30 unallocated spaces which are designated as for “Occasional Use” by visitors or for residents’ third cars. It is important that residents who are likely to need to use such a space, most commonly for visitors, know which ones are so designated. It is extremely anti-social to park, or allow visitors to park, in a neighbour’s agreed space.
We have ample space for all the cars that need to park on the estate. We have clear guidelines on how to allocate those spaces sensibly. We have 70 households of friendly and co-operative people. All we need is that those 70 households talk to each other about the parking arrangements that best suit everybody.
Lynden Gate is a development of 70 neo-Georgian styled houses offering a quite unique lifestyle. The estate is divided into two sections – Seaton Close on the right hand side as you enter Lynden Gate, and Beaufort Close on the left.